Choose the ebike emoped that feet with your needs inside downtown Toronto. This no driver license vehicule allows you to ride with security and confort to be able to avoid traffic congestion.
The luxury to have a designed e-scooter is not for everyone.
Your good style is the freedom to go everywhere & whenever !
All payment methods provided.
Free security & protection equipment provided.
The scooter may respond to autonomy & quality criterias.
This units are electric bike. The 32 km\h speed limitation & bike mechanism allows you to drive it direcly without license.
You are allowed to go on cycle paths for more security & avoid trafic congestion!
It is easy to explore the city & parks with this scooters.
More than be eco-environment friendly, discover bests practices & savings driving a scooter…
Respect regulations & laws is your responsability. Ensure to be safe with this guide…
Be aware about the options i got after I get an ticket for infraction with my scooter…
We have a large different kind scooters & improve our service by testing scooters in all year weathers conditions.
The style on the road
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